September 01, 2011

September 11th is National Day of Service

In celebration of National Day of Service and in honor of the 10th Anniversary of September 11, Parks Morgan and The Keyes Company have partnered with the Miami Dolphins to send care packages to our troops stationed overseas.  Troops have posted their requests and we have compiled a list of supplies needed to fulfill their requests.

I will also be collecting letters and cards to the troops as a way to let them know how much it means to us that they doing such an important and difficult job.  They are highly encouraging in keeping up morale and would be sent in the care packages.  It would truly be great if we could have at least one for every soldier, if not more.  For us this might mean taking five minutes out of our busy lives, but for soldiers, it may be the words they so desperately need to hear.

Please bring any of the below items along with your letters to the Keyes Company Fort Lauderdale branch located at 1520 East Sunrise Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale by Thursday September 8, 2011.  It would be my pleasure to pick them up from your home or office.  Whichever is most convenient for you.

Baby Powder          Foot Powder          Socks                  
Baby Wipes            Granola Bars          Toothbrush
Beef Jerky             Hair Conditioner    Wash Cloth
Body Lotion            Hair Ties               Soup
Bug Spray               Mouth Wash           Sun Screen
Coffee                    Shampoo                Tampons
Deodorant              Shaving Gel            Tooth Paste
Feminine Pads        Soap

I hope you will join us in showing our troops how grateful we are for the daily sacrifices they make for our freedom.
Fort Lauderdale Branch
1520 East Sunrise Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

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