September 25, 2012

Vote Yes! Florida Amendment 4

Amendment 4 is a constitutional amendment on Florida's ballot this year.  This proposal will lower property taxes for new homebuyers and spur much-needed economic growth in the housing market by offering a healthy new exemption for first-time homebuyers.  Amendment 4 will also protect working families, small businesses and homeowners from unfair and unexpected tax increases by helping to stop "recapture," a tax gimmick that increases property taxes even when property values decline.  Finally, Amendment 4 will lower assessment increases on non-homestead properties from a burdensome 10 percent to a more reasonable 5 percent.

Bottom Line

  • Amendment 4 creates an additional homestead exemption for first-time homebuyers for 5 years.
  • Amendment 4 protects Floridians from increased property taxes when their property values have declined.
  • Amendment 4 lowers the maximum yearly assessment increase on non-homestead properties from 10 percent to 5 percent.
Additional information from Florida Realtors®

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